Friday, July 04, 2008

The Meaning of Nagawulan

Nagawulan is my site's name. It's from 2 words Naga and Wulan. Naga is mean the dragon, Wulan is from Javanese language is mean the moon.

The myth of dragon appears in almost every culture worldwide with physical interpretations is it being a serpentine or otherwise reptilian monster -breathe and spit fire or poison-, and often possessing magical or spiritual qualities. The dragon have special position in some culture around the world, they are associated with wisdom and longevity. Most people in those culture believe that the dragon is the holy species, powerful and wise.

The moon, for me, is the beauty and elegance symbol. The moon give you light in the darkness, it is sustained light resource. The impression of full moon mostly used by rhymist for his inspiration to create great poem.

So, the meaning of nagawulan is the powerful (in action), beautiful (attitude) and wise (brain and hearth) to make better life -personal or for the others- in this world.

3 comment:


wow! That is a neat name and I love the meaning! Very nice blog.

Nagawulan said...

Thanks you Heidi....
your blog is great place to find any information about healthy life. I like your post about tips to stop smoking.

Nina Sukanti said...

nice blog..
Nagawulan.. hmmm love it